Linux Tips mastered quickly and easily

A quick question with a long answer. Actually there is nothing difficult in Linux if you already understand the basics of operating a computer OS. If you are used to working with Windows, then very soon you will quickly understand and master Linux.

Difficulties faced by beginners generally revolves around the selection of Linux distributions (... yes, there are hundreds of 'type' Linux in front of you! ...), Partitioning and installation techniques (neighboring dizzy, lost all data on the hard drive because of trying to install Linux! ...), and accessing data files that already exist (... what will happen to my data in Windows? ...). The next issue is the selection of the technical work program and utility usage on Linux systems. Here's a tip-tip for you:

Tip 1: Choose a popular distribution

Yes, find information and get an installation CD distro popular in your neighborhood. If many colleagues use Linux Ubuntu, why not come to use Ubuntu. If the cafe next to use SuSE Linux, SuSE CD ya look, I'll be chatting in the cafe next door. Increasingly popular distro of your choice, the more partners who understand and are ready to help you trouble.

Tip 2: Use a Live CD

What is a Live CD? ... This is one of the innovative use of Linux operating systems. You do not need to install Linux or compromising the content of your hard drive to operate Linux. With the Live CD, you can run Linux on your computer safely (read: Windows) via a CD. You can just boot the computer with the Live CD, wait a minute, now ... operate 'Linux computers' instant you.

Although the run from a CD, you can use the Linux utility program and a complete and normal as if you're running a Linux that is installed on the hard drive. Finish the session with the air-Linux Live CD, you can re-use the old OS on the hard drive, as in the past.

While there are several options Live CD Linux distro (nah!). Confused select Live CD? remember Tip no. 1 If you are familiar with Linux operating techniques, the new Install Linux on your hard drive permanently.

Tip 3: Read and read!

You have trouble getting a strong partner in Linux? Do not despair, Linux provides a complete documentation about the various things on topic, technique, or program you want to know. Most of the documentation has been presented even in the Indonesian language.

Today is also supplied books Linux, select (... and buy) the topic of the book to suit your needs. Alternatively, the internet is available a variety of articles and technical guidance on the use of Linux is ready for you to download it for free.

Tip 4: Sedia umbrella before it rains

Backup all data on your hard drive before installing Linux. In many cases, because a wrong move, the entire contents of hard drives disappeared after trying to install Linux. Prepare to taste a CD or move data to another hard drive.

All become easier and faster if you install Linux on blank hard drive / new, but if none, then the backup data is always recommended. If you've put the data in its own folder, separate partition, or even a separate hard drive, then pembackupan procedures and data recovery (if necessary) will be easy and fast. However, if your data is scattered in various corners of the folder, then now is the time you learn to be disciplined in managing data properly and efficiently. Do it before it's too late.

Tip 5: Why bother?

"... Why do I have a headache thinking about technical stuff, select a distribution, partition, install, backup, let alone? I use Windows also never confused how to install, select the OS, applications, blah blah. Everything was ready on the new PC! I just want to use Linux to be safe from the sweeping, I just need a PC to create letters and reports routine! ... ".

So roughly the relation expression. Yes, there is truth in this thinking. You do not have to bother thinking about the technical stuff to work with Linux computers. Outside there is a lot of technical service providers who will assist in the transition system in your office. Set aside some budget for the preparation of a Linux system on the PC, and you just use it. Easily as you do when using Windows.

Tip 6: Many roads lead to data

Just like in Windows, you can work and choose a specific application to perform a specific task. You just need to know the frontier of applications and program alternatives that you can use. Linux has a variety of software for various purposes. How to operate the same in general. Open, Close, Save, Copy, Paste, is the standard terminology that you can recognize in each application program, including Linux.

The majority of Linux applications can read and process the data types that you have created or you have when using Windows. For example, if the data file of documents, if the data rate, presentation files, pictures, movies and songs to the collection. See Tip 2 to familiarize yourself with Linux applications.

Tip 7: Prepare coffee and snacks :)

It's the most you'll need if you decide to install Linux yourself and start trying to program / utility in Linux. It may be that you will linger in front of the monitor just to wait for a progress bar on the screen soon finished, and you are not able to play MP3's pet.

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