History of LINUX

Linux or GNU / Linux is a free operating system that is very popular. The term Linux or GNU / Linux (GNU) was also used to refer to the entire circular Linux (Linux distribution), which included selalunya programs other than the Operating System. Examples are programs such as Web Server, Language Pengaturcaraan, Database, Persekitaran Desktop (Desktop environment) (such as GNOME and KDE), and office suite (office suite) as OpenOffice.org. Circular-circular Linux has experienced rapid growth in terms of popularity, making it more popular than the UNIX version propritari (proprietary) and the first rival the dominance of Microsoft Windows in some cases.
Linux supports many Perkakasan Computer, and has been used in a variety of equipment from personal computers to supercomputers and Embedded Systems (Embedded System) (such as Telefon Mudahalih Tivo and Personal Video Recorder).
At first, he created and used by devotees only. Linux now has got support from big companies like IBM, and Hewlett-Packarddan other big companies. The analyzer is directing its glory is due to Linus does not depend on the vendor (vendor-independence), low cost perkakasan, and kepantasannya versus proprietary versions of UNIX, as well as safety and stability compared with Microsoft Windows. These characteristics are also a testament to the benefits of open source development model.
Linux kernel was originally written as a hobby by Linus Torvalds Finland university students who study at the University of Helsinki, to make the Minix kernel is free and can edit. (Minix is ​​a lesson to resemble UNIX project cooked up for easy and not for commercial use.) 0:01 version issued to the Internet in September 1991, Version 0:02 on October 5, 1991. [1]
Next, the author of thousands of volunteer programs around the world have accompanied this project.
History based on the Linux operating system with the GNU project related Arat, a free program known project is headed by Richard Stallman. The GNU project started in 1983 to create a complete operating system like Unix - the compiler, utility applications, utility construction and so on - crafted entirely by the Free Program. In 1991, when the first version of the Linux frame is written, the GNU project has produced nearly all of the project components of this system - except the kernel. Torvalds and the Linux kernel as builders adjust their kernel in order to work with GNU components, and so remove the Operating System that is quite functional. By it, Linux completes the last room in the design of GNU.
Although the Linux kernel is licensed under the GNU General Public License, he is instead of from the GNU project.
Tux, a penguin, a logo and mascot for Linux. Linux is tandaniaga (SN: 1.91623 million) which is owned by Linus Torvalds. Linux is listed as "computer operating system programs for computer use and operation". Tandaniaga this effect is attached after an incident in which a forger named William R Della Croce Jr. to lead the first letter to dealers who megklaim tandaniaga Linux Linux is hers and asked for a royalty of 10% of them. The dealer started pushing Linux to the original tandaniaga given to Linus Torvalds. Perlisensian tandaniaga Linux is now controlled by the Linux Mark Institute.
Linux distributions
See also the Linux Distribution
There are many circular or a Linux distribution (known better as distro), which are made by individuals, groups, and other institutions. Masingnya each program may be supplied with additional systems and application programs, in addition to include a program that installed the whole system in a new computer.
Core for every circular Linux is the Linux Kernel, a collection of programs from the GNU project (or another project), shell, and aturcara utilities such as libraries (libraries), compilers, and the Editor (editor). Most systems also include aturcara and non-GNU utilities, however, these utilities can be sequestered and still provides a Unix-style systems. Some examples are aturcara and utilities of the BSD and System Window-X (X-Window System). X provides Antaramuka Graphics (GUI) that the principle for Linux systems.
Applications based on the Linux Operating System
Linux users, which tradition necessary to install and configure the system itself, are more likely to understand the technology than users of Microsoft Windows or Mac OS. They are often called "hacker" or "geek". But this stereotype decreases with an increase in user-friendly nature and growing extent of circular Linux users. Linux has made a rather good achievement in the server computer market and special purpose computer. For example, the image rendering engine, and web services. Linux is also gaining popularity in the market computer "desktop".
Linux is a principle to a combination of LAMP-server program, short for Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl / PHP, Python. LAMP has achieved wide popularity among Web developers.
Linux is also often used as an Embedded Operating System. The cost of the cheap Linux allows its use in equipment such as the Simputer, a low cost computer that is targeted at low-income residents in Developing Countries.
With Persekitaran Desktop like KDE and GNOME, Linux offers a user interface that more closely resembles Apple Macintosh or Microsoft Windows from the Referral List interface as Unix. Indeed, more graphics program can be found on Linux, which offers a variety of functions in commercial utility.
Market and
can use

Linux was originally just an operating system that is used by computer enthusiasts, has become the system more user-friendly, with a wide range of graphics antaramuka applications more like other consumer operating systems, Unix direction of the line. However, this impression has been busy drawing criticism, including from Linux backer. They argue that Linux and free program project has yet to reach a satisfactory ke'dapatpakai'an factors. The question of ke'dapatpakai'an Linux versus Windows or Macintosh is still an issue of heated debate. Linux market in the computer "desktop" is still rather small but growing. Institute for Market According to IDC, a big market for Linux in 2002 was 25% for the server market, and 2.8% for the personal computer market.
For those who are just used to use Windows or Macintosh, Linux may seem more difficult due to differences in doing computer work. And again, it is easier to find technical support for Windows or Mac OS compared to Linux. Additionally, the user typically needs to swap the program that is often used, because the program is not found in Linux (or options are somewhat limited, especially computer games). Another factor is the nature of the user's doubtful that was hard to let go of their operating system (many users are still using the old Windows versions). In addition, most computers shipped with Windows ready installed (preinstalled). These factors led to a rather slow growth of Linux.
However, the advantages of Linux as a low cost, safer securities, and not rely on the vendor, has been promoting the widespread use among cooperatives and the kingdom. In this situation, the obstacles mentioned above can be reduced since only the application / utility that is of limited use, as well as computer pentadbiran work (administration) is controlled by a group of IT experts work a little.
There are various studies carried out are limited and the cost of ke'dapatpakai'an Linux. Relevantive, (an organization based in Berlin, which specializes in agency talks about ke'dapatpakai'an program, as well as web services), have made the conclusion bahawa ke'dapatpakai'an Linux to work with the computer "desktop" is almost identical to Windows XP . However, the study by IDC (funded by Microsoft) claims that Linux has a cost of ownership (TCO) is higher compared to Windows.
Linux is also often criticized for its construction schedule is not predictable. Directly, causing less selesa Enterprise users with Linux than other operating systems (Source: Marcinkowski, 2003). The options are many in the letter also said to confuse the consumer Linux, and vendor programs.
Installation process is difficult often times be a barrier for new users, but the process is now made easier lately. With the acceptance of Linux by some expenditures PC (Personal Computer), the largest, disedia computer-circular plug with Linux can be found. There are also circular in which Linux is Linux is a continuous boot from the Live CD without installing it into the Hard Disk. Examples of circular-shaped Linux Live CD is Knoppix / Gnoppix and Gentoo. ISO images to CD for Linux are usually circular can be loaded down from the Internet, written to a CD, and then membootkan CD.
For most Linux configuration settings are often necessary to menerusi editing text files in the directory / etc. There are also utilities like Linuxconf and GNOME System Tools are intended to facilitate the work by providing antaramuka charts. But the row direction is the most commonly used.
Support for Linux are usually obtained menerusi peer (in this context mean movement in talian) - other Linux users on the Internet forums, newsgroups and list mel. A collection of Linux Users (LUG, Linux User Group) was founded in sulurh world to help local users, new users and experienced users. Assistance including installation, usage, implementation and encourage the development of Linux systems.
Commercial provisioning for Linux in general circulation models of commercial practice by providing support. Third party endorsement is also available
Scale Development of Linux
A study (More Than a Gigabuck: estimating GNU / Linux 's Size [2]) against Red Hat Linux 7.1 found that this circular contains 30 million lines of source code ('' source lines of code (SLOC)''). Using the COCOMO cost model of this study show that the orbit will require the development time as much as 8000 years, when the software was developed by conventional proprietasi. And will take approximately 1:08 billion dollars (2000 dollars) to be developed in the United States.
The majority of the code (71%) written in C, but many other languages ​​are used, including C + + shell scripts, Lisp, assembly language, Perl, Fortran and Python.
About half of the code licensed under the GPL.
Kernel Linux kernel contains 2.4 million lines of code, or about 8% of the total, Indicates that the majority of Linux circular contains the code that is not contained in the Linux Kernel.
"GNU / Linux"
See Naming controversy GNU / Linux
Due to utility-the utility of the free operating system GNU project - without this Linux system will not resemble Unix system in a user's perspective - Richard Stallman of GNU / FSF requested that the combined system (the GNU project and Linux kernel), referred to as "GNU / Linux". Users of project Debian Linux circulars are more likely to use the name. Most users more easily use the term "Linux".
Actions Act (Litigation)
Main article: SCO vs. IBM Mac In 2003, the set of SCO (SCOG - SCO Group) has issued a warrant terbatasap IBM claiming that IBM has incorporated material from the intellectual property of SCOG into the Linux kernel, where it is a violation of license terbatasap IBM to using UNIX. The license is held by a set of SCO said. Additionally, the set of SCO also has sent letters to several agencies and warn of the use of Linux without a license from SCO collection will receive from their actions. SCO collection also issued a statement to the media that they will further menyaman Linux users. This controversy has been criticized by a set of trigger some terbatasap SCO Novell, DaimlerChrysler, and AutoZone, in addition to summons forth by Red Hat and others terbatasap SCOG.

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